John William Waterhouse - A Mermaid
Myths of mermaids is one of our earliest about planetary mysteries of oceanic life. As artist Martin Waugh puts it: “Throughout history, water has calmed the soul, soothed the spirit and healed the wounded. Martin’s free-flowing photography evokes images from rolling, rhythmic oceans to drops of water falling upon a lake, taking one on a spiritual journey bounded only by imagination.” See his beautifully expressive photos celebrating our most precious liquid at Martin Waugh’s website. After centuries of study, scientists still do not know much about water’s complicated unique chemical properties. Great information with visuals at National Science Foundation website nsf.gov. We continue to learn about water’s remarkable and versatile elements. Ancient times tell of a God named Neptune who ruled the oceans with adventures taken by men to explore it fraught with peril. Mythic fascination of creatures living in our oceans, rivers and lakes continue to enthrall our excitable imagination. Kids particularly (ok, us too) love stories of water creatures as movie box office confirms. Stories with mermaids were some of my favorites as a child and deep wonderment remains when I see these mysterious female images today.

play with pure water
With great dismay we know that men on planet Earth currently fight to own water and control it worldwide. However, I see that clean water will be part of our new World Bill of Rights. There is no viable future for our specie group regardless of material wealth amassed. To learn more about your water quality, order a lab test for under a hundred dollars, or install whole house or sink filtration, go to LifeSource. Many of our clients use LifeSource as their whole house water filtration. This begins at the main pipe your water comes into from the city’s system. It’s an excellent product that doesn’t require salt, which is extremely harmful to groundwater, soil, and highly eroding to pipes. Quick and easy to submit this test for lab analysis, don’t rely upon your City’s Municipal Water reports to become informed or look after your health. Take these things proactively.
Art of ephemeral quality in psychic imagining abounds on the net. Our dreams are famously known to contain extensive images of water starting in early childhood, and think of our obsession with swimming pools in our country. Water is a solvent in alchemy among other meaning we view in sleep, a time of healing set aside by mother nature to ensure we revivify. It is no coincidence that our body is mostly comprised of water including cels, blood, lymph, and even how electrical conductivity happens in our body electric. We emerged from water, and water emerges from us as perspiration we exude daily. To replenish and recycle we must drink water in abundant quantity, or perish. I recall having an Asian teacher who told me that in times of great warring the East knew that urine can be turned into water, as our Space Exploration methods also rely upon at NASA. Pure water for every household is a must.

Water Test Kit
Just a week ago my doctor showed me her lab analysis that confirmed arsenic and other highly adverse contaminants in our tap water. Water affects you and your child’s health, including what remains chemically embedded in clothing, when you wash your food and dishes left deposited after cleaning, laundry (towels and sheets come into skin contact), transdermal through our skin and we breath in our shower and bath, that you mix with other chemicals to clean your home, or give to your pets and your garden; all of which is harmful if not free of contaminants. Quality water affects everything. This is not an issue to debate as some continue to argue that tap water is “just fine”. There is no reason to continue this insane harm as we’ve allowed into our water, the primary source of life. Many are already working at government level on safe drinking water, but let’s insist upon the basics of life today, not some unknown time in the future.
Serving Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Bel Air, Benedict Canyon, Torrance, Hancock Park, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Marina Del Rey, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose. Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Encino, Woodland Hills, Topanga Canyon, Westwood, Hollywood Hills, Pasadena, San Mareno, Santa Barbara, Orange County, Ventura County, California, New York, & the greater United States…
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