Tag: David Geffen


After the Academy Awards and Oscars taken home, there are continuing Oscar Winners celebration parties. Hollywood Film Studios and Celebrities rely on top Chefs and the best Party Catering for these events. Many of our ISA clients give these parties. With diverse dietary needs of people today there is a wide range of foods expected…

STEVE JOBS – Jobs for Chefs and Organic Gardens

The world has most regretfully lost Steve Jobs, a client we greatly admired – but not his Spirit Person who remains eternally with us. There is much already known about this remarkable Artist (as I consider all true Visionaries). He lived in the public eye since coming onto the world’s stage passionately, and his volcanic…


Obamas Host State Dinner A party in the White House for 320 guests hosted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama took place tonight, amidst great fanfare and worldwide interest. It’s two days before Thanksgiving with much thanks going on in Washington D.C. by those invited to this coveted event of the year. The…