STEVE JOBS – Jobs for Chefs and Organic Gardens

Apple store memorial for Steve Jobs. The only CEO in the world to have spontaneous memorials created in front of his stores, he was so loved by customers and employees alike.
Revolutions in the 21st century are conducted on cell phones filming it. We’re all aware how profound that is. This, came on the heels after “the first camera cell phone” was made famous, with pics of his child’s birth the father sent out worldwide. When the iPhone was launched everyone hushed up. It just blew everything else away. Think Different was an all time brilliant marketing campaign, and Apple made it so easy to learn, then gave you the stores in your neighborhood to learn it in. Who else would do it? Steve Jobs continued to fire up our fantasies with games and photo albums easy as pie to create as if we’re pros, then reinvented the landscape by bringing it to our kitchen tables to do it with. Any surface including your lap or tucked into your hip pocket would do. What’s even more remarkable is how we take it for granted, but if you pause a moment to realize his importance, Steve created for us to be free, and for our freedom to be free from corporate desks, forever.
Bless him for all the fantasies that came out of his head unendingly fertile, a fountain of “mad hatters playthings”, as he showed us again and again. He set the bar high and then raised it higher to challenge himself, and inspired those working for him to tag along. They rushed alongside to create goodies for his bag of tricks.
Every Maestro has some negative stories and from others “accounts” Steve was no exception. There’s the pressure of shredding the envelope and wanting control with which to do it. I say thank goodness he was not afraid of being Captain of his own ship that sailed away and took everyone with him.
But here today I speak about Steve as our client. It took me a while to post this because of my love for what he brought into our lives, an emotional appreciation yet to be fully expressed. ISA was greatly privileged to assist him find a Chef. This was not about corporate, it had to do with one’s personal life, and that involves many issues of consideration with close quarters being around one of the most famous men in History.
Steve had initially inquired with another self made client of ours who has discerning taste and high regard for expert qualification. The story I got (when Steve called personally to detail the job description), was that this happened after he finished a memorable meal he just couldn’t forget. That made me laugh, and my first encounter with how quickly decisive he was to have what he wanted. With appreciation of others talents (as much as his own to be highly discerning about it), he was not shy letting me know exactly what he wanted, and that was the “best Chef out there” – who didn’t have to be a vegetarian or vegan chef, but needed to cook that culinary diet for him and his wife and whatever she felt was best for their children. And this person had to be a Chef who had the expert skills to also confer with Apple’s corporate chef, who was in charge of providing over 1,500 meals a day to company employees (at that time), only one of several perks for working at Apple. And he/she had to also know how to grow and oversee an organic garden that Steve described was lovingly created by another chef the family cared about, who had taken good care of them for some time. He spoke highly of her, and I loved his modest caring as if she had offered it as a gift not as part of her job.
I greatly appreciated receiving his details provided with his trust. Not all clients wish to give a patiently described job order to assist satisfying their requests. Steve knew that it would not be shared with others as many of our clients are high profile with demanding lifestyles. Our reputation and expertise along with maintaining confidentiality is renowned. Steve wanted us to know what it would take to please him up front, we pride ourselves in taking up the challenges given. He wasn’t wasting anyone’s time including ours, which was not only refreshing, but very clear.
We couldn’t wait to begin, and I already knew what he needed from what he shared – and what I could read between the lines that he wanted you to read. There is deep satisfaction in pleasing our clients and staffing their job offers, while finding the best jobs for employees they’ll love: a win-win for everyone.

- the younger years as a couple on the rise – it set the tone for many at silicon valley and how that scene would develop
Serving Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills. Holmby Hills, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Bel Air, Benedict Canyon, Hancock Park, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Marina Del Rey, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose. Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Encino, Woodland Hills, Topanga Canyon, Torrance, Westwood, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood Hills, Pasadena, San Mareno, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Ojai, Orange County, Ventura County, California, New York, &  the greater United States…