Tag: Personal Assistants


Only four more days until Halloween, so get your costumes ready if you haven’t already. We love vintage graphics for their “back-to-the-past” time machine glimpse of how it was. Here are some for your pleasure to trigger memory of movies, scary stories, iconic baddies, and then some. With the current craze of Vampire stories and…

EMERGENCY CARE – Important First Aid

Todays TIPS are for Emergency Care and First Aid, often ignored but imperative to know. From blackouts to big storms, the items you need to get through a worst-case scenario may already be in your home — just not stored in one place. So make sure all of the items we cover are in one…

WATER – Home and Travel

According to Reuters – Canadian circus billionaire Guy Laliberte (dubbed the first clown in space) arrived in a Russian space craft at the International Space Station yesterday, for a 10-day trip on the space shuttel that cost him over $35 million. Laliberte is a former fire-breather and founder of the Montreal based Cirque du Soleil….


Established in 2009, I Drive Green is an organization founded by French Driver Nelson Philippe and environmental specialist Jean-Paul Libert; created as a means of using motor sports to educate enthusiasts about new environmental initiatives, practices, and technologies. “Drive Green Because You Can” is a very unique initiative intended to bring global attention to green driving…


Killing germs on food using wine was recently lab tested. OUR BEST ADVICE TIP for today – It was found that white wine is a great cleaning agent for soaking or cleaning your food to kill germs before eating raw or cooking. Simply buy a cheap bottle of wine or use what is left over…