THANKSGIVING – More Holiday Tips

Animal Crossing's Franklin The Thanksgiving Turkey
For all children everywhere, according to Franklin, The Thanksgiving Turkey (from Animal Crossing games), Thanksgiving is the worst day for Turkeys. Thanksgiving (United States) is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, so people will be having a feast to give thanks. Before anyone else knows it Franklin realizes he’s actually the main course. Should he “duck” for cover (cute), or find a way to steal the silverware so you won’t eat him. But the actual story of the holiday as told is fraught with factual error. According to Dr. Benjamin Ehrlich, former exec VP of the Plymouth Plantation Museum in Massachusetts, the first Thanksgiving didn’t take place in November, and they didn’t eat Turkey, they ate eel.
Our advice for this Thanksgiving, a good TIP will do instead. Don’t eat the Turkey, let it remain plump and Gobbly, and celebrate a future of thanks for creative new holidays to come. Towards a new future view futurist/inventor/artist/architect Jacques Fresco as he envisioned. Working most of his adult life to create The Venus Project as an example of new possibilities, Fresco is a student of several inter-related fields. A prolific inventor, (now 92 years young) he conceived and devised inventions on various scales which entail innovative technology, along the lines Bucky Fuller and Paolo Soleri also invented for their future cities.

The Venus Project
With his multi talented abilities Fresco imagined a new Earth, created in his conceptualized theories in all aspects of cultures and resources on this planet. See futurist Jacque Fresco and his compelling vision to inspire your Thanksgiving. Director William Gazecki presents a brief intro of his film as a wonderful appreciation to behold.

Happy Thanksgiving
Sometimes it’s good to remember and be grateful for quotes preserved that come down to us. Such as: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” -Alvin Toffler.
The great 20th century scientist and patent holder of the geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller, was one of my deep inspirations growing up. One of Fuller’s greatest quotes is truly appropriate for our current times: “Neither the great political and financial power structures of the world, nor the specialization-blinded professionals, nor the population in general realize that sum-totally the omni-engineering-integratable, invisible revolution in the metallurgical, chemical, and electronic arts now makes it possible to do so much more with ever fewer pounds and volumes of material, ergs of energy, and seconds or time per given technological function that it is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a ‘higher standard of living than any have ever known.’ ” I know that’s a lot of reading for a blog post, but rather then just doing more ritual…

Bucky Fuller commemorative stamp
Learn another way to celebrate, by becoming proactive with your imagination, and go GREEN. As Bucky put it in so many memorable quotes from his book Critical Path: “Within the crises times immediately ahead – into which we have already entered the computer is soon to respond. “We must integrate the world’s electrical-energy networks.”, and, “World Gaming discloses that humanity will perish on this planet if the sovereignty of nations is not abandoned and if the World Game’s world around computerized time-energy accounting is not forthwith inaugurated. The first step in bringing about the desovereignization will be the closing of the gaps in the world electric power grid. The world-unifying electric power accounting will be the beginning of the omnienergy accounting for world economic management.” (Page 202)
** There are now about 200 countries on our planet.
All of us at ISA share thanks for the planet we live on and a future thanksgiving tomorrow. This holiday we will be giving extra special thanks and gratitude to The Beverly Hills Fire Department, an amazing team of truly heroic men and women. Happy Thanksgiving!
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