Job Descriptions always have a gray area because there is no way to know what’s entailed until you’ve actually started the job. We may place Butlers who then find themselves doubling up as occasional Cooks, which wasn’t in the Clients Job Order. Or a PA / Estate Manager who provides an occasional meal (and prepares them when the Chef is off), or a cook/housekeeper who takes over cooking if other staff is ill, or called away for an emergency task. Above all be flexible and open to meet any situation.
Job Descriptions are tailored to each Employers’ preferences on the job. Which can change unexpectedly at the Employer’s desire. In this economy it helps to be very flexible and always a team player. Use cheerful reminders to get a message across (to yourself and others) like Corning Gorilla ‘indestructible but open’ glass campaign (wallpaper here).
Being an uptight demanding task master is nobody’s idea of a great Employer, or to be a top Employee leading in supervising a top staff. Stay clear in communication at all times and never gossip about your boss, employees, or colleagues. Anger and gossip is toxic. None of us are perfect. We can work out most situations when parties are able to remain inclusionary. Having great etiquette goes a long way towards solving problems quickly and most efficiently. Tempers and frustration rise in these uncertain times; help others remain calm.
Here’s an example of lost opportunity. We once placed an Estate Manager Top Job. The Employee had beyond expert skills and experience. However, the client felt uncomfortable during the trial period (which we provide for free). It turned out the employee’s overzealous enthusiasm to improve everything that was “wrong”, was undertaken on super fast track. By attempting to immediately take on the scope of the work all at once, it also resulted in taking away the clients comfort zone controlling their personal pacing preferences. Missed cues can be critical.Â
To their great surprise, the person was let go. The Client simply didn’t wish to wait for the employee to figure them out. Employers want employees to anticipate their needs. The employee lost a job despite their top skills, expertise, top references, and having one of the best resumes in the country.
In this instance it wasn’t catastrophic to their career because the candidate will find another job, their skills are unquestionably prime for Luxury Estate Jobs, and they learned their lesson. Â Of course, it could also be said the client failed to communicate their needs to the employee to slow things down, and things were lost in translation. Communication requires conscious approach by at least one party, not just good intentions. Don’t expect the boss to have it, or their representatives, or the person who supervises your work.
TIP – No matter how good you are at your work, practice deepening your communication skills as part of continuing learning education. Don’t take it for granted. Remember that people speak about how fairly you treated them when there is a difference of subjective opinion. Work towards quick resolution, and the utmost respectful care.Â

moments on the beach to refresh on the job can be just closing your eyes for five minutes. photo: creative commons
 Multiple skills overlap with staff on days off when traveling with an Employer. This is important when a client has several homes and travels between them. Hawaii has continuously attracted luxury home buyers, who also happen to be world famous (as many of our clients are). Employers want peace and quiet, and for their homes to be a luxurious sanctuary, including from staff. Find a place you can refresh, take a brisk walk, a quick 10 minute catnap, or simply close your eyes and meditate to recover your pacing. Bring your absolute best of the best at all times. Nobody can work straight through a trip, regardless of how committed they are to the job.
We also encourage clients to have enough people on hand for rotating rest periods. Mistakes happen when people are jet lagged, which could be dangerous, especially for childcare safety when Nannies are overworked without rest. Things need to flow easily and expertly, not geered to scramble in chronic chaos. Homes and how they’re run get a reputation. A graceful life is part of having our serenity. Your home should be run beautifully to be perfect. That includes graceful living. Kids are happiest when they’re resting on a regular schedule regardless of how busy the parents. Support your staff to give you their best.

Lava flow. photo: creative commons
The art of staffing is an Art of expertise, not just about filling job descriptions. We’re proud to say that ISA staffing is famous for our expertise to make our clients home run not just smoothly, but optimally. JOBS are as unique as our clients. If you have top expert skills and experience with top references contact our domestic help agency to find your dream Job. Our clients pay Top Salaries for the best domestic help workers. We’re famous as the best household help agency in the field. If you’re an Employer whose home is not run like a five star hotel, we’re famous as the best help agency to see you get that. We have the longest history as experts in luxury estate staffing.
We’ve had luxury food as part of our gastronomic scene for centuries. It’s well known by Chefs that not everyone has the same idea of what comprises luxury food. Cultural tastes and economic times change. I recently viewed videos of someone who’s considered to be one of the top nutrition experts in the world. He works with doctors and clients internationally. It was puzzling to see how dried out his skin was, and how wrinkled the face with premature aging. How people can be so disconnected by what they promote from the results on themselves is puzzling.
Perhaps it’s not a good idea to cultivate a diet so extreme that it’s no longer flexible and adaptable to conditions at hand. Mother Nature likes freedom and variability. I’ve enjoyed  trying different diets to experiment and love the flexibility to try all of them as my body changes over the years. Recently, a young lady in her twenties I mentor decided to go on a high protein diet, and give up her vegan way. Natalie Portman gave up being vegan once she was pregnant, although she’s passionate about it. Be flexible, because it’s Wise!
Our Best Advice has been brought to you by a specialty agency in the domestic help field. Visit often for other great ideas, and browse Domestic Staffing Services to see Job Descriptions.
Serving Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills. Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Bel Air, Benedict Canyon, Hancock Park, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Marina Del Rey, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose. Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Encino, Woodland Hills, Topanga Canyon, Torrance, Westwood, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica Hollywood Hills, Pasadena, San Mareno, Santa Barbara, Orange County, Ventura County, California, New York, &  the greater United States…