worlds first sustainable Formula 3 car - photo courtesy of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
MORE ON GREEN AUTOMOBILES. Sexy, fast, fun, green and chocolate! (Thomas Haas Fine Chocolates are for humans, not cars) Yet, see video on the speed racer car at a great website called IMPACT featuring the Formula 3 racer (open ‘click here to explore‘, then ‘quick menu‘, click on ‘racing green‘), with other new terrific research development taking place in England for a more energy efficient world. At Brands Hatch on October 17, 2009, the team proved that high performance competitive cars built from sustainable materials can reach speeds like 135 mph, going from 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds. This car is turbo charged to give it more torque, but amazingly, has a love of chocolate for its fuel and is lubricated by plant oils. Who said cars don’t love chocolate?! (more on organic chocolate). According to Dr. Kerry Kirwan, who lead the research team out of the University of Warwick in England, the idea behind the project was to show that: “being sustainable and green can be incredibly sexy, fun and fast.” Kirwan further elaborated the test project was “aiming to show ways for the future, for people to race and be green.” (also see I Drive Green ). If Ferrari’s going Hybrid by 2015 as they project, you know the trend is true. There’s a large movement for hybrid luxury sports cars our younger clients are into. Several are innovators and leaders in various fields, wanting a life style aligned with sustainability.

Ferrari Biopower - going Hybrid by 2015
I’ve always been a bit of a speed driving girl. I even went to Bob Bondurant School for a race car driving course which I loved (driving a Ferrari at the time that belonged to a friend). I was driving Porsches back in the 80’s (until I bought a Jeep with custom bucket seats when I lived in New Mexico), so this green news is also good for my speedster side. Those days were some of my speed demon driving experiences – now I drive Hybrid, and after Bob’s fantastic course; he taught everyone to drive awarely, defensively, follow the rules, with both hands on the wheel. In the 1960’s Bob was famous for having joined Carroll Shelby’s team (with those famous Mustangs), also drove Ford Cobras in European competitions, Ferrari’s, Grand Ams, you name it, he drove it. Little did Bob know about cell phone text messaging back in the 80’s, and dangers we currently face on the road driving defensively against hand held devices. TIP – if you can do it, take a course at Bondurant. The job market today is highly competitive, do your best to always seek improving your skills.

Steve McQueen in film role as a race car driver at Le Mans
After being pulled over for holding my phone trying to read a text message (it was a legitimate emergency and I wasn’t texting but was trying to read my phone), I got it loud and clear not to have anything in my hands other then the wheel. TIP- please don’t be tempted to drive and text regardless of how urgent the need. It really only takes a minute to pull over and you’ll be glad to make it a habit that becomes second nature. It’s important to know that people expect you to have a clean driving record working for them when they do a background check on perspective employees, make sure yours passes.
Bob Bondurant taught some of the best actors in the industry to drive for their roles in movies including James Garner, Paul Newman (who became a professional racer too), and Steve McQueen, who still gets huge attention for his super cool style (see clients gallery page on our website), contributing to ‘life in the fast lane’ image. Times have changed. I automatically pull over now and don’t even think about it. But the other day a new client told me he’s the “text message king” (as he put it.) I laughed and said, you win, hands down (although I’m pretty fast myself). He was looking for a Personal Assistant, a great opportunity we immediately filled. I wanted to offer him a chauffeur so he could text to his hearts content (I will when I speak to him next!) Good for all of us to remember how easily we’re distracted on the road.

various courses taught at Bondurant School Of Driving
At ISA, we place highly skilled professional chauffeurs on jobs (Apply for a Chauffeur Job in Los Angeles). Many have completed special training for driving customized sports cars and other exclusive vehicles, and to handle defensive maneuvers for unexpected emergency situations. I would love to see companies like Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini and all luxury car manufacturers become totally green on fast track. People who buy those cars can certainly afford to pay for green regardless of the up charge it might cost. I’m a huge believer in luxury green. There is no reason to be wasteful, but having a beautiful sleek car that’s sustainable/green, well designed, and luxurious, is an outcome of our talents and desire to refine as a specie group, not an example of misguided values. I do get a bit perturbed by folks who believe we should all wear jeans and T-shirts endlessly and walk everywhere (and all three are great, but not as dogma). That’s a silly take on reality. Mother Nature loves nothing more then freedom and variety. My prediction is that American cars will soon lead again for design and innovation. I’d like to see them manufactured in California out of Silicon Valley, with tech and design esthetics by Apple, and no, I’m not kidding. Bondurant School offers courses for handling special and fast vehicles skillfully, or to folks like fathers/mothers who want to become better drivers when driving kids in a regular automobile, also courses for Teens, and several to Professionals. They teach how to handle any situation that might present possible danger, including various security issues for the professional driver (like kidnapping/car jacking/etc.)

the porsche cayenne hybrid for 2011
We encourage people to become certified in as many skills possible for increasing their job pay. Staffing for a high profile VIP clientele is our business. It requires us to know all aspects of a family’s needs to contribute our expertise to their quality of life thereby increasing it for their optimal experience. We take care of our clients on a VIP basis whether they’re famous or not. We specialize in staffing tailored specifically to the job and the work environment for both employer and the applicant, with many detailed considerations other agencies don’t even know about. We are also the oldest agency with the same owners in the domestic help staffing field, with the best jobs for top salaries to meet the quality of life expectations our clients pay for. If you, or someone you know has a background in our field with top references, please do register with us on line or send them our link. Call our office for a free consultation on what we can do for you. If you’re an employer with a job request, we will give you our utmost renowned expert care and staffing we are famous for worldwide. Meanwhile, our TIP for today is drive safe, and GREEN!
Serving Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Bel Air, Benedict Canyon, Torrance, Hancock Park, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Marina Del Rey, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose. Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Encino, Woodland Hills, Topanga Canyon, Westwood, Hollywood Hills, Pasadena, San Mareno, Santa Barbara, Orange County, Ventura County, California, New York, & the greater United States…
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