Tag: house care

ECO FRIENDLY – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Eco Friendly Bike, Carpool, Keep Tires Inflated: One-third of all traffic is commuters. Map out and use alternative transportation when possible. If you must drive, go slower with proper tire inflation. It saves both fuel and tires, and lowers emissions. It also saves lives. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost: Reusing packaging material saves more energy than…

HOUSE CARE – Deodorize The House

Many kinds of odors can hang in the rooms where we live: pet smells, musty lingering scents, perspiration on furniture or bedding, and even cooking odors from strong foods like garlic or fish. Eliminating such odors means that your home environment should become fragrant once more. Since scent is the longest-lasting sensory emotion, making the…