Tag: energy


This is the time of year where everyone with a fireplace uses it actively. Who can forget Cinderella’s fireplace with all that cleaning? Remember to have a Chimney Sweep check out the one you use, which should be done annually. Tell A Friend Chimney Sweeps inspect and clean out the chimney, make minor repairs, and…


The year ending is about celebration with compassion for the travail and anguish many have suffered we must not forget. Do not solely celebrate a religious holiday event you identify with. Although we know our holidays are deeply meaningful for billions, broaden your world to include gratitude based on compassion, without a denominational orientation. Our…


SOON, weather will improve for those currently suffering extreme weather who may also be without a job. Our hearts go out to all of you. We are seeing change as employers had to cut back their jobs offered. But there are still good jobs available so hang in there. Our TIP today is pack up…