Tag: Cooks


The year ending is about celebration with compassion for the travail and anguish many have suffered we must not forget. Do not solely celebrate a religious holiday event you identify with. Although we know our holidays are deeply meaningful for billions, broaden your world to include gratitude based on compassion, without a denominational orientation. Our…

THANKSGIVING – More Holiday Tips

For all children everywhere, according to Franklin, The Thanksgiving Turkey (from Animal Crossing games), Thanksgiving is the worst day for Turkeys. Thanksgiving (United States) is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, so people will be having a feast to give thanks. Before anyone else knows it Franklin realizes he’s actually the main course. Should…


Around 3:30a.m. on Monday, our building experienced a fire in one of the offices. Sadly, their office was completely destroyed, while others in the building suffered extensive smoke damage. Thankfully, nobody was in the building at the time and the remarkable Beverly Hills Fire Department quickly brought the situation under control. We wish to ACKNOWLEDGE…


Chef Julia Child confided to her diary: “I am sadly an ordinary person . . . with talents I do not use.” Yet she lived a life that revealed her courage to go into the unknown, with dormant talents we refer to as “late bloomer”. Legend Julia Child, was someone who late in life began…


SEEDS OF CHANGE: Preserving Biodiversity - Supporting Sustainable Organic Agriculture According to Seeds of Change®, ( www.seedsofchangefood.com ),  the company was founded in 1989 with a revolutionary mission that was not only prescient but also visionary. Their purpose and goal was to preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable, organic agriculture (including the preservation of heirloom seeds), which modern…